Yay Bivalves!
They have a citizen science program where volunteers can report on the mussels (if any) they find in local waterways, look up the type of mussel in their guide book, and upload your findings to their website. The facts on freshwater mussels (not the marine type mussels we eat), make you realize how cool they are, as water filtration systems and part of the ecosystem in the rivers and creeks.
Cool designs they are working on
I came across some pictures from kayaking on the Delaware and it made me miss the warm weather and being out on the water even more.
Looking into the mouth of the Pompeston Creek
Houses on the Delaware
A shore without a bulkhead
For now I get to look at the ice and snow on the Pompeston Creek and watch the ducks huddled together on a sheet of ice as the tide goes in and out.
Pompeston Creek looking into the wetland
Poor mallards!